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목록전체 글 (930)
기억을 지배하는 기록
1.HTML5 소개 2004년 WHATWG의 초안으로부터 시작된 이 표준안은 웹 브라우저 호환성, 구조적이고 의미적 마크업 및 편리한 웹폼 기능을 제공하여 웹 개발자들의 생산성을 높임 1.1 HTM5의 배경 HTML의 호환성을 유지, 웹 개발자들이 실질적으로 부딪히는 문제를 해결하는 것이다. 정보와 의미, 손 ..
Introduction to servlet 3.0 new features The servlet 3.0 specification has come up with many new and exciting features. This article explains the major changes since the previous specification. Web framework pluggability Servlet API is the building block of the Java web applications. Almost all the java web application frameworks build on top of the Servlet API. Examples are Sp..
SIP(Session Initial Protocol)는 두 엔드포인트 사이에 세션을 설정, 수정하고 종료할 때 쓰이는 시그널링 프로토콜이다. SIP는 양자간 호출, 다자간 호출 심지어 인터넷 호출/멀티미디어 호출/멀티미디어 배포를 위한 멀티캐스트 세션을 설정할 때도 사용한다. SIP Servlet(JSR 116) API는 SIP 구성요소 ..
JDK 7 Version Plan Project Coin (JSR TBD) InvokeDynamic (JSR 292) Fork/Join Framework Mid 2011 Strict Verification Parallel Class Loaders Transfer Queues Phasers Unicode 6.0 Swing Nimbus XRender Pipeline ECC Swing J Layer More New I/O (J SR 203) JDBC 4.1 TLS 1.2 Enhanced Locales SDP & SCTP JDK 8 Version Plan Project Jigsaw Project Lambda Late 2012 Type Annotations (JSR 308) Bul..
Inspecting HotSpot JVM OptionsIntroductionA method for inspecting the comprehensive set of HotSpot JVM options and some examples comparing different outputs.BackgroundThe Oracle JVM provides an enormous spectrum of options to control the runtime JVM. These options are given a criminally short and non-comprehensive discussion at the OTN here. OTN divides these options into three..
RESTful Web Services with RESTeasy JAX-RS on Tomcat 7 – Eclipse and Maven project원본 문서: http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2011/01/restful-web-services-with-resteasy-jax.html The RESTful approach of developing web services is constantly gaining more and more attention and seems to be pushing SOAP into deprecation. I am not going to discuss which approach is better, but I be..
Three Common Application Performance Challenges for Developers원문: http://java.dzone.com/articles/three-common-application Java is a great language. It manages memory for you, teaches us about object-oriented programming, and makes us better coders as we use it. Plus, it really is a ‘write once, run anywhere’ language. Nonetheless, Java applications can run into a few co..