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Getting all EJB home interface object from a HashMap

by Andrew's Akashic Records 2018. 4. 19.

public class SingleHome{

 private String ref="java:comp/env/ejb";

 //EJB reference name use ejb/remote interface name

 private static HashMap homeMap;

 private SingleHome(){}


 public static SingleHome getSingleHome(){

   if (homeMap==null){

     homeMap=new HashMap();


   return SingleHome();


 public Object getDestHome(String remoteInterfaceName){

   String strLookup="ref"+remoteInterfaceName;

   String strClass=remoteInterfaceName+"Home";

   if (homeMap.containsKey(remoteInterfaceName))

     return homeMap.get(remoteInterfaceName);

   else {


       Context ctx=new InitialContext();

       Object obj=ctx.lookup(strLookup);

       Class clss=Class.forName(strClass);

       Object home=PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,clss);

     }catch (Exception e) {


       System.out.println("you must guaranty EJB remote interface name as parameter.");



     return home;



//A class to invoke business methods in remote interface object

public class ABC{


SingleHome sHome=SingleHome.getSingleHome();

XXX eHome=(XXX)sHome.sHome.getDestHome("YYY");

//XXX is home interface name, YYY is remote interface name

//Getting remote interface object with mothods in home interface object





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