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The relationship between violent video games and violence in real life 본문

All at Once

The relationship between violent video games and violence in real life

Andrew's Akashic Records 2023. 3. 10. 15:00

The relationship between violent video games and violence in real life is a topic that has been examined by various studies.

Some studies suggest that playing violent video games can lead to more positive attitudes and behaviors towards aggression when it is preferred. However, these studies often rely on short-term experiments, and it is difficult to draw general conclusions about the relationship between violent video games and violence based on short-term responses.

Other studies have found a positive correlation between playing violent video games and violent thoughts and behaviors. These studies have found that people who play violent video games frequently tend to show more violent thoughts and behaviors.


However, even in these studies, causality has not been clearly established, and it is still difficult to analyze the impact of violent video games on violence, along with various social factors.

Therefore, while causality between violent video games and violence is difficult to prove, there is a possibility of a relationship between them. This issue continues to be studied, and more research and analysis is needed.


폭력적 비디오게임과 현실에서 폭력성과의 관계


폭력적 비디오게임과 현실에서 폭력성과의 관계는 여러 연구에서 다양하게 검토되고 있습니다.

일부 연구는 폭력적인 비디오게임이 선호되는 경우에 행동과 태도에서 적극적인 효과를 나타낸다는 것을 보고하고 있습니다. 하지만 이러한 연구는 대개 짧은 시간동안의 실험을 기반으로 하고 있으며, 일시적인 반응을 바탕으로 폭력성에 대한 일반적인 결론을 내리기는 어렵습니다.

그러나 다른 연구들은 폭력적인 비디오게임과 폭력성 사이에 긍정적인 상관관계가 있다는 것을 보고하고 있습니다. 이러한 연구들은 폭력적인 비디오게임을 많이 플레이하는 사람들이 폭력적인 사고와 행동을 보이는 경우가 많다는 것을 발견했습니다.

하지만, 이러한 연구에서도 인과관계는 명확하게 입증되지 않았으며, 다양한 사회적 요인과 함께 폭력적인 비디오게임이 폭력성과의 관계에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것은 여전히 어렵습니다.

따라서, 폭력적인 비디오게임과 폭력성 사이에는 인과관계를 입증하기는 어렵지만, 그들 사이에 연관성이 있을 가능성은 있습니다. 이러한 문제는 계속해서 연구되고 있으며, 더 많은 연구와 분석이 필요합니다.


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