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기억을 지배하는 기록
Jakarta Common Configuration 본문
DownLoad : http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/configuration/index.html
연관 라이브러리
Common Configuration을 사용하기 위해서는 다음의 연관 라이브러리가 설치 되어 있어야 한다.
1. Jakarta Commons-Beanutils
2. Jakarta Commons-Collections
3. Jakarta Commons-Digester
4. Jakarta Commons-Lang
5. Jakarta Commons-Logging
Sample Program
Sample에서 사용하는 Configuration 파일은 다음과 같이 application.properties, config.xml, user.xml 3개이다. xml 파일을 작성하여 저장할 때는 반드시 UTF-8포맷으로 저장 하여야 한다.
# written by PropertiesConfiguration # Tue Dec 27 13:53:27 KST 2005 name = uD6C4uB8E8uAFB8 phone = 02-1234-1234 user.info = ${name} ${phone} |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <system/> <properties fileName="application.properties"/> </configuration> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <user-definition> <address> <postnumber>123-963</postnumber> <text>서울특별시 서초구 서초동</text> </address> <phone home="123-4567" office="369-8956"/> <name> <first>루꾸</first> <last>후</last> </name> </user-definition> |
package jakarta.common.config; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationFactory; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.SystemConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; public class MainTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MainTest m = new MainTest(); m.SystemConfigExec(); m.PropertiesExec(); m.PropertiesSave(); m.ConfigFactoryExec(); m.XMLConfigExec(); m.XMLConfigValidationExec(); } public void SystemConfigExec() throws ConfigurationException { CompositeConfiguration config = new CompositeConfiguration(); config.addConfiguration(new SystemConfiguration()); Iterator keys = config.getKeys(); String key = ""; while(keys.hasNext()) { key = (String)keys.next(); System.out.print(key+" : "); System.out.println(config.getString(key)); } } public void PropertiesExec() throws ConfigurationException { CompositeConfiguration config = new CompositeConfiguration(); config.addConfiguration(new PropertiesConfiguration("application.properties")); Iterator keys = config.getKeys(); String key = ""; while(keys.hasNext()) { key = (String)keys.next(); System.out.print(key+" : "); System.out.println(config.getString(key)); } } public void PropertiesSave() throws ConfigurationException { PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration("application.properties"); config.setAutoSave(false); config.setProperty("name", "후루꾸"); config.setProperty("phone", "02-1234-1234"); config.save(); Iterator keys = config.getKeys(); String key = ""; while(keys.hasNext()) { key = (String)keys.next(); System.out.print(key+" : "); System.out.println(config.getString(key)); } } public void ConfigFactoryExec() throws ConfigurationException { ConfigurationFactory factory = new ConfigurationFactory("config.xml"); Configuration config = factory.getConfiguration(); Iterator keys = config.getKeys(); String key = ""; while(keys.hasNext()) { key = (String)keys.next(); System.out.print(key+" : "); System.out.println(config.getString(key)); } } public void XMLConfigExec() throws ConfigurationException { XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration("user.xml"); Iterator keys = config.getKeys(); String key = ""; while(keys.hasNext()) { key = (String)keys.next(); System.out.print(key+" : "); System.out.println(config.getString(key)); } } public void XMLConfigValidationExec() throws ConfigurationException { XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(); config.setFileName("user.xml"); config.setValidating(true); config.load(); Iterator keys = config.getKeys(); String key = ""; while(keys.hasNext()) { key = (String)keys.next(); System.out.print(key+" : "); System.out.println(config.getString(key)); } } } |
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