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Apache OpenEJB with the TomEE 본문


Apache OpenEJB with the TomEE

Andrew's Akashic Records 2018. 4. 7. 23:43

Apache OpenEJB와 Apache TomEE 프로젝트가 통합되어 관리 되고 있다. 이 통합 프로젝트에서는 TomEE의 여러 패키지 버전과 Standalone으로 실행되는 OpenEJB 버전을 배포하고 있다.


http://tomee.apache.org/downloads.html”에서 OpenEJB 최신 버전(현 4.6.0)을 다운받을 수 있다.

현재 최신버전은 4.6.0인데 사이트 가이드 문서는 아직도 3.0으로 설명되어 있다. 3.0 버전 이후에 TomEE와 통합된것 말고는 기능이 크게 변경된 것은 없는 것 같다. 필자가 3.0 버전 관련글을 최초로 쓴지 4년은 넘은 것 같은데 정말 경이로운 일이 아닐 수 없다. EJB가 처한 현실은 반증 하는 건 아닌지…


usage: openejb <command> [options] [args]

Available commands:

 cipher       Encrypt a database password and print it to stdout.

 deploy       Deploy an ejb jar or ear into OpenEJB.

 properties   Convert and print the OpenEJB configuration as properties

 start        Start the OpenEJB Remote Server for accessing beans in

              client/server mode.

 stop         Stop the OpenEJB Remote Server.

 undeploy     Undeploy an ejb jar or ear

각 Command 별로 옵션이 있다. 옵션을 확인 할려면 openejb 해당Command --help 을 하면 볼수 있다.

>openejb.bat start --help

usage: start [options]

The start command is used to start the OpenEJB server. It has a number of options. These options are described below.

Openejb Start Option


Specifies a system property passed into OpenEJB at startup.

--admin-bind <host>

Sets the host to which the admin service should be bound.

--admin-port <int>

Sets the port to which the admin service should be bound.

--conf <file>

Sets the OpenEJB configuration to the specified file.

--ejbd-bind <host>

Sets the host to which the ejbd service should be bound.

--ejbd-port <int>

Sets the port to which the ejbd service should be bound.


Show examples of how to use the options.

-h, --help

Print this help message.

--hsql-bind <host>

Sets the host to which the hsql service should be bound.

--hsql-port <int>

Sets the port to which the hsql service should be bound.

--httpejbd-bind <host>

Sets the host to which the httpejbd service should be bound.

--httpejbd-port <int>

Sets the port to which the httpejbd service should be bound.

--local-copy <boolean>

Instructs the container system to marshal (ie, copy) all calls between beans.

-v, --version

Print the version.

-v, --version

Print the version.

 --cxf-bind <host>

Sets the host to which the cxf service should be bound.

--cxf-port <int>

Sets the port to which the cxf service should be bound.


   --cxf-rs-bind <host>       Sets the host to which the cxf-rs service should be bound.

   --cxf-rs-port <int>        Sets the port to which the cxf-rs service


   --ejbds-bind <host>        Sets the host to which the ejbds service should be bound.

   --ejbds-port <int>         Sets the port to which the ejbds service should be bound.


   --multicast-bind <host>    Sets the host to which the multicast service should be bound.

   --multicast-port <int>     Sets the port to which the multicast service should be bound.

   --multipoint-bind <host>   Sets the host to which the multipoint service should be bound.

   --multipoint-port <int>    Sets the port to which the multipoint service should be bound.

   --multipulse-bind <host>   Sets the host to which the multipulse service should be bound.

   --multipulse-port <int>    Sets the port to which the multipulse service should be bound.

Usage: openejb stop [options]

Stops the OpenEJB Server running on host and port 4201


-h host    Stops the server at the specified host address

           Default host is

-p port    Stops the server running on the specified port.

           Default port is 4201.
